OGÛN Branding
February 2021
Branding, 2021
Ogun is a Yoruba orisha that appears in several African religions, he is a warrior and a powerful spirit of metal work, he is also known as the 'god of Iron'. The horrendous transatlantic slave trade expanded the spiritual knowledge from the African shores to the Americas and from the Americas to Japan. In the branding of OGÛN by Ghetto Gastro, we aimed to capture the spiritual and mystical dynamics of this project.
Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Art Direction
Axel Peemoeller, Jon Gray - Creative Direction
Rita Matos, Jess Zhang, Jay Chapman - Art Direction
Johnny Lee - Video Animation
Bobby Rogers - Photography
Ashley Owens - Executive Producer
Yanni Gough, Milton Campbell - Models
Carly Heywood - Styling
Beau Derrick - Makeup
Johannes Bauer, Faisal Mohammed - Product Photography
Nuova - Box Design